Mulch is one of the essential ingredients in gardening. You need it to regulate soil temperature, retain soil, moisture, and suppress weed growth. Mulch consists of various things, such as grass clippings, woodchips, leaves, twigs, whole bark nuggets, shredded bark, straw, and hay. Gardeners often contact tree trimming companies to give them a lion’s share of mulch so that they can use it as fertilizers. But how do you get mulch from one of these companies? Let’s find out.

If anyone in the neighborhood ordered for tree trimming services, wait for your opportunity to talk to the crew. They will anyway take the tree clippings away in a truck. Politely ask them if they can drop off the small twigs, leaves, and shredded bark in your backyard. That’s one of the easiest ways to get mulch from a local tree trimming company.

You can even look around when electrical companies hire tree removal and tree trimming services. In fact, they need this service more often than not because big trees come in the way of electrical lines. Talk to the tree trimming crew to get a big stash of wood chips.

Sign up for free wood chips

Many tree trimming companies are aware of the fact that gardeners need mulch for their flower beds. They even supply mulch to farmers so that they can prevent soil erosion. If you grow vegetables or even flowering plants in your garden, it would be a good idea to sign up for these companies. You can contact them whenever you run out of mulch in your garden. Most of these companies deliver mulch for free.

These companies sort out wood chips and leaves from bigger logs. It helps you get the chunk of mulch without segregating the chips and leaves alone. Just mention your name and location on the website of the company and you can expect a truck full of mulch coming your way soon.

FAQs on mulch

1. What is the approximate quantity of mulch you can get?

Usually, tree trimming companies deliver an entire truck worth of mulch. This can be as much as 20 cubic yards. Make sure you have enough space to accommodate that quantity. There’s no rule to request a specific amount of mulch like a kilo or a drum. You may not know the total quantity of mulch that the company would deliver. Just expect enough to suffice your needs for the next few months.

2. How to receive the mulch?

Make sure you have a drop site ready for the tree trimming company. The driver of the truck will contact you before coming. The drop site should be at least 15′ long and 8′ wide. It’s better to keep the mulch away from your garden as the chips will spill out of the truck and may affect the plants.

3. What would the mulch contain?

A typical load of mulch contains 50% green, including pine needles and leafy material, and 50% wood chips. Sometimes, 5% of the mulch contains small stick, unchipped brush, and scoops of gravel.

Keep these in mind before buying mulch the next time. They are available for free from tree trimming companies if you contact them at the right time and at the right place.